Homework affects us both in a positive and a negative way. But it is a bit hard to accept the fact that the latter outweighs the former. Let us look at a few ways through which we can bring down the dark side significantly.
1. Working together :

Rather than making children complete the homework all alone. It is better to sit and engage with them and take part actively. It is crucial that we only guide them throughout and let their ideas and creativity prevail. A friendly atmosphere would suffice to do wonders. And the child’s perspective
towards homework would gradually change. It is great to have a ‘homework –buddy’, this way the child’s social skills develop.
Taking breaks in between long sessions with a friend helps the kid relax a bit better than they do alone. In some cases having a company may become a terrible distraction. So choosing the right company is the key.
2. Making overall learning at school fun :

The ultimate aim of giving homework is to make a child revise and understand the topics discussed and taught at school. But whether they accomplish this ‘mammoth task’ is a question that seldom gets answered.
In order to make the child perform better we must kindle his/her curiosity and that can be only done by teachers. Making a child’s overall experience at school more fun and interesting would trigger their minds to learn more and practice the said topic. Not only they start looking at homework as a fun activity, they start to love learning, an emotion which is in short supply in this era. Conducting various games and quizzes at school and small
rewards would make learning happier.

As Einstein says “Education is not the learning of facts, but training of mind to think”. Children are given and asked to memorize tons and tons of information, much more than their brains can process. This should be avoided.
And giving quality content that is relatively easy for kids to grasp must be opted instead. The content must be colorful and have various illustrations. Also rather than expecting a certain format kids must be allowed to use their own imagination and come up with their own design.
4. Various Learning aids :

Technology when used for the right purpose becomes a great master. We have infinite number of resources in the internet and using learning apps which were made with the ultimate aim of making learning fun must be utilized appropriately. But also engaging them for long hours in these apps may backfire. So the right amount of screen time integrated with all the steps mentioned above will surely make learning fun.
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